The THOTH2 project kick-off meeting was held last month on 9th and 10th March, at the SNAM headquarters, in Milan.
The meeting presented the structure and objectives of the project, funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

THOTH2 stands for ‘new methods of testing for measurement of natural gas and hydrogen mixtures’: this project aims to define standards to evaluate the metrological performance of measuring devices at different H2 blending rates (up to 100%), but also to verify safety and durability of the same devices and suggest future needs to overcome the observed barriers and limitations.
When conveying pure H2 or H2NG mixtures, THOTH2 intends to fill the gaps in normative and standards related to procedures and protocols for assessing the performances and determining the limits and tolerances of State of the Art (SoA) measurement instruments in transmission and distribution systems. In order to test various measuring devices installed in the gas transmission and distribution grids, such as gas meters, gas volume conversion devices, pressure and temperature transducers, gas quality analysers, and gas leak detectors, at various operational conditions, THOTH2 will develop specialized methodologies. The findings of THOTH2 will be useful in forming suggestions for the Technical Committees (TC) of International Standard Bodies, Gas Transmission and Distribution Operators (TSOs, DSOs), Manufacturers of Measuring Devices, and Calibration Service Providers.
The project consortium has 14 Participants from all over the Europe, who will carry out the development of the 6 Work Packages.
As the project coordinator, SNAM will lead the coordination and monitoring of the project activities.
UNIBO leads the execution of a State of the Art (SoA) investigation of the measuring devices installed on NG networks to provide exhaustive cataloguing of the installed and operated devices in terms of operative and design conditions, type and number and/or the percentage respect to the total.
CESAME leads the development of testing protocols and verification procedures, for all of the gas flow meters, quality analysers, pressure transmitters and any other relevant devices that are used to measure renewable gases (i.e. H2).
INIG leads the obtaining of the experimental validation for the updating the existing research protocols and standards to measure the quality and quantity of hydrogen and H2NG blends, filling the current gaps identified.
GRTGAZ leads the identification of actions required to remove those barriers that prevent H2NG implementation and the H2 asset readiness of European gas infrastructure.
Finally, GERG leads the dissemination and communication part of the project, creating impact for the consortium to support all relevant stakeholders from industry, manufacturers, standardization committees, metrology institutes, and the scientific community.
We wish everyone involved luck and a successful start to this stimulating project!